欢迎来到威尼斯人会员注册. 我代表全体教职员工, it is my pleasure to introduce a new regional college, academically designed to transform higher education in New Jersey. 这个开创性的, hybrid institution provides students with more choices, including the option to pursue advanced degrees at Rowan University and other four-year universities, without ever leaving the Rowan College of South Jersey campuses.
50多年了, Rowan College at 威尼斯人注册 County and 坎伯兰 County College have provided students with affordable and accessible options to prepare them for careers within their chosen field. 7月1日, 2019, these two colleges merged to mark an important milestone in the history of community colleges — the creation of a regional college in southern New Jersey. Together these two campuses offer more than 120 unique degrees and certificates, combining 100 years of experience to provide a variety of degree selections, 节约成本的计划, 还有奖学金和实习机会, at one of the lowest tuition rates in the state.
这两所社区学院的合并, in conjunction with an expanded 10-year premier partnership agreement with Rowan University, leads the way to a future filled with diverse and one-of-a-kind educational opportunities. Ambitious teenage students seeking a head start on their college studies can take classes and save money with high school dual enrollment programs, including “Rowan High School Start” and the High School Option Program (HSOP); two successful collaborations between Rowan College of South Jersey and local high schools. Through exclusive programs like Rowan Choice and “3+1” degree offerings, the education cost savings are substantial and students can easily transition to Rowan University for a bachelor’s degree. Academic and workforce-training programs ensure the availability of skilled employees, answering both professional and community needs.
Thanks to close-working relationships and affiliations with local chambers of commerce, 企业和劳动力发展, students and employees have the chance to further enrich their educational goals. Academically, students learn experientially through internships and cooperative education. Workforce professionals have the flexibility to earn industry-valued stacking credentials, allowing them to become marketable faster while providing “stop out” points depending on the certificate or degree desired.
The exciting connection between education, business and labor also extends into the medical field. The 27 miles along Route 55 between Rowan College of South Jersey’s 威尼斯人注册 and 坎伯兰 campuses integrates education, medical services and commerce to establish South Jersey’s first EDs, 药物 & 商业走廊. Our premier partnership with Rowan University — a research university with two medical schools — and future campus construction intended to house both public and private medical, 劳工和商业实体, will continue to increase the academic advantages for our students while benefitting economic development in the South Jersey region.
I am extremely honored to have the privilege to serve as Rowan College of South Jersey’s first president and encourage you to explore the wide range of educational alternatives accessible to everyone. No matter what your goals and no matter where you are in your education and life, Rowan College of South Jersey is prepared to meet the needs of South Jersey students.